Individual Education Plan (IEP)

At the Ontario eSecondary School, we are committed to supporting student who have/require Individual Education Plans.

What is an Individual Education Plan (IEP)?

An IEP is:

  • a written plan describing the special education program and/or services required by a student;
  • based on assessments that show the student’s strengths and needs that affect their ability to learn;
  • a description of the key features of the program and/or services
  • not a daily plan or outline of everything that will be taught to the student. The special education program may have accommodations, modifications, and/or alternative curriculum.

What are accommodations?

  • Accommodations are teaching strategies and supports that are necessary for some students with special needs to allow them to achieve learning expectations and demonstrate their learning.
  • Accommodations are split into three categories: instructional, environment, and assessment. They do not change the curriculum expectations for the grade.
  • Specifically for OES, accommodations will be implemented for the instructional elements and assessment tasks.

What is the process for developing and reviewing an IEP?

  • IEPs are developed by schools when assessments indicate that a student needs special education programming and/or services.
  • The IEP remains in place for as long as the special education programming and/or services are required.
  • The development of the IEP should be a collaborative process. During the development phase, schools are required to seek feedback through consultation with parents and the student (if possible), so that there is an opportunity to share information with the classroom teacher and/or special education resource teacher to help guide the development of the IEP.
  1. Gathering information – the IEP team may gather information by observing the student, completing assessments, and reviewing documentation.
  2. Setting the direction – typically one teacher is given the primary responsibility for coordinating the development of the IEP, working with the IEP team.
  3. Developing the IEP – the IEP must be completed within 30 school days of the beginning of the school year or semester, or within 30 days of a student beginning a special education program.
  4. Parent Consultation – letters, surveys, and interviews with parents as well as having them review the draft IEP to learn about their child’s strengths, needs and learning goals from their perspective.
  5. Implement the IEP – At the OES we will do our best to implement the program and services outlined in the student’s IEP.  More specifically, accommodations will assist during final assessments.
  6. Review and update the IEP – The IEP should reflect any adjustments to learning expectations, teaching strategies, and assessment methods as new assessments provide additional information on the student’s strengths and needs.

Accommodations for Exams

  • During the final exam, students on an IEP may be provided accommodations.  These may include, but are not limited to, use of assistive technology, extra time (no longer than double time), scribe, reading of the questions, breaks during the exam.  Each student will be provided support on an individual basis so accommodations may vary based on previous IEP information and proper documentation.

For further information on how we can support you, contact