Midterm Magic: 3 Reasons Why November is the new September

3 Reasons Why November is the new September
For most students in the Western Hemisphere, the month of September conjures up images of autumn leaves and a new school year. It’s a time of change and new adventures. So, the thought of starting a course in November might not just sound strange, but seem utterly wrong.
These days however, thanks to the Internet, you don’t have to start in September, or January, or any other month for that matter.
You can start ANY TIME!
Such flexibility sounds good, right? And yes, I know … at this point you’re probably asking why you would ever want to start a course in November in the first place, but read on to hear me out.
Reason #1: Midterm Marks
If you are currently in full-time studies, it’s likely you will be receiving your midterm marks.
If you’re happy with your grades so far, congratulations! But, maybe those marks have you somewhat concerned.
As everyone knows, getting into the university or college of your choice can be tough and one of the ‘make-or-break’ factors in your application will be your marks. There’s no getting around it; they are just that important.
Knowing that, keep in mind that when you get your midterm report in November you do have options. You can stay in that course and map out a plan to bring your mark up to where it needs to be—if it’s possible—or you can drop the course and start again.
However, here’s something you might not know: within five days following the receipt of your midterm report you can drop a course without any penalty. In other words, it will never appear on your transcript.
Reason #2: Transcripts
What exactly does that mean? Why is it a good thing that it never appears?
You should look at your transcript as your academic story. Where ever you send it as a part of your application, they will read that story. It’s a first impression of you as a student, permanently.
So, let’s say you decide to push through, doing all that you can to bring that mark up. You can still choose to drop the course later on, if you’re not getting the results you want, only now an ‘R’ will appear on your transcript when you repeat it to get a better grade.
Ideally, there is one mark—the right one—because you’ve taken the course only once by starting again in November.
Reason #3: Application Dates
Application deadlines are a good reason for you not to delay.
The Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) has set key dates and deadlines for everyone who is considering putting in an application to an Ontario college or university, and here’s the date you need to keep in mind: March 1st, 2019.
On March 1st, your chosen school will receive your final grades for the first semester of the current year.
This makes November the prime time to start again. Why? Because it gives you at least three solid months to start again and complete the new course, with the extra help and flexibility you need in order to get your desired result.
You know what mark you need to get and you know you have the next three months to get it.
This is the Time!
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