Mandatory E-Learning & Ontario High School

Students in Ontario received news on March 15th about a number of proposed changes intending to “modernize” the education system in the next couple of years with mandatory e-learning for high school.
One of them is pretty significant and reflects the growing influence of technology on student learning: the new mandatory e-learning requirement. So, while cell phones seem to be out, e-learning will be all in! Who would’ve expected it?
If implemented in the 2020-21 school year, it’ll mean that secondary students will be required to complete a minimum of four credit courses via e-learning, out of the thirty total credits they need to achieve an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.
It’s an unprecedented decision that has surprised a lot of people and left many scratching their heads and wondering how it will work. At this point, there are more questions than answers.
But here at Ontario eSecondary School, it’s our business to know what works for students who take an e-learning course. In short, we know what you need!
So as you contemplate taking action on this change, maybe to get a head start on meeting that minimum requirement, here are some things we think you should know about the e-learning experience:
#1 – Online high school isn’t “easier”
Just like the class you go to in a physical school, an online course still requires 110 hours of instructional time PLUS homework PLUS assignments PLUS a final exam! As much as things change, these fundamentals remain the same.
#2 – Online high school isn’t isolating
You may not be sitting in a room full of students, but be assured that you will be interacting with your peers and your teacher on a regular basis using online communication tools. In fact, connecting and collaborating are as essential to your success as they are in a traditional classroom.
#3 – An Ontario certified teacher is within reach
They may not be standing in front of the room and you may not be able to seek them out in the department staff room after class. But, that doesn’t mean they aren’t there for you! Through email, discussion posts, and video conferencing, you will share a number of one-on-one conversations with some of the best Ontario certified teachers out there. The way we see it, it’s a key to your success and assures we are meeting your unique learning needs in a virtual environment.
#4 – Online high school isn’t “harder”
True, you must meet the 110-hour instructional requirement. True, there will be homework, assignments, and a final exam. But, as we’ve already said, that’s no different from what you do in a traditional class. But, here’s a big difference: if you take an asynchronous course like the ones we offer here at Ontario eSecondary School, you can work more at your own pace as you follow the learning steps we’ve designed to help you succeed, while your teacher stands by to help you.
Want to know more?
Contact us today and we’ll help you get started with your online learning journey. You might just be surprised with the result!
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